Portland's Better Housing By Design Does Not Adequately Address Environmental Health and Equity, Testifies Trees For Life - 10/2/2019


Trees For Life Oregon believes that trees are key green infrastructure and should be treated as such by the city of Portland across agencies and long-term plans created to deal with expected growth. On behalf of Trees For Life Oregon, on Oct. 2, 2019 Bruce Nelson testified before the City Council, calling the Bureau of Planning Services to task for inadequately addressing environmental and equity issues in its Better Housing By Design plan. Careful consideration of equity and the environment are two guiding principles of the city's 2035 Comprehensive Plan. Read his testimony.

Better Housing by Design, a project of Portland's Bureau of Planning Services, aims to provide better options to address the provision of multi-unit housing along high density/high travel corridors. The document focuses on design features that better meet the needs of residents and the city's anticipated population growth. Much of this new housing will occur in parts of east Portland that currently have low canopy levels. Trees for Life Oregon believes that trees and new housing need not be mutually exclusive. Thoughtful design can accommodate both.

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