Testify for Trees
How to Testify Before City Council and City Council Committees
You can communicate with the City Council or City Council Committees such as the Climate, Resilience, and Land Use Committee by giving in-person, virtual, or written testimony. Carefully follow the directions here to register for in-person or virtual testimony or to submit written testimony.
Oral testimony should be no longer than 2 minutes
We suggest limiting written testimony to 1 page.
For more information read here.
Can't attend the hearing?
Watch it live at https://www.portlandoregon.gov/28258.
Want to watch it after the fact? Do that here.
Contact your City Councilors today!
As of January 2025, Portland has a 12-member City Council representing 4 districts. Contact individual councilors using their emails, listed below, or use the Contact an Elected Official form on the City’s website.
District 1
Candace Avalos councilor.avalos@portlandoregon.gov, Loretta Smith councilor.smith@portlandoregon.gov, and Jamie Dunphy councilor.dunphy@portlandoregon.gov.
District 2
Sameer Kanal councilor.kanal@portlandoregon.gov, Elana Pirtle-Guiney councilor.pirtle-guiney@portlandoregon.gov, and Dan Ryan councilor.ryan@portlandoregon.gov.
District 3
Tiffany Koyama Lane councilor.koyamalane@portlandoregon.gov, Angelita Morillo councilor.morillo@portlandoregon.gov, and Steve Novick councilor.novick@portlandoregon.gov.
District 4
Olivia Clark councilor.clark@portlandoregon.gov, Mitch Green councilor.green@portlandoregon.gov, and Eric Zimmerman no email provided, use this form.
City Council Committees
Portland’s eight new City Council committees will act as legislative committees (as in the U.S. Congress) that debate and draft policies, receive public comments, and send legislation to the full City Council. For tree advocates, the Climate, Resilience, and Land Use Committee is most relevant.
Climate, Resilience, and Land Use Committee
The Climate, Resilience, and Land Use Committee meets the second and fourth Thursday of every month from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Committee Co-Chairs
Steve Novick councilor.novick@portlandoregon.gov, and Angelita Morillo councilor.morillo@portlandoregon.gov.
Committee members
Candace Avalos councilor.avalos@portlandoregon.gov, Dan Ryan councilor.ryan@portlandoregon.gov, and Sameer Kanal councilor.kanal@portlandoregon.gov.